India on a Royal Enfield

Wonderful video from Peter Francon, owner-operator of Free Spirit Adventure Tours.  Peter guides intrepid motorcyclists through India and Nepal on Royal Enfield motos.

It is a trip of a lifetime:  Never a dull moment.  Absolutely the best way to experience one of the most amazing, vibrant countries in the world and meet India's wonderfully friendly and helpful people. 

Traveling by motorcycle puts you right in the middle of all the wonder and excitement that is India.

Check out Free Spirit Tours: Here.  Or click the tag line "India" on the right side of the EMD page to read about some of the adventures you can have on tour.

If you would like to view the video directly on YouTube, where half of the screen isn't chopped off:

Full disclosure:  I did the three-week tour through central India last year.  At the end, I wanted to stay and do another few weeks, but my travel visa was expiring.  I'm headed back next year for the Kashmir/Spiti Valley/Lek tour.

You can contact Peter through the Free Spirit Adventure site, or feel free to email me with questions if you want the views of a very satisfied client:


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