When You Wish Your Moto Came with a Sidecar

Other than for the few niche vintage collectors, the dabblers in the unusual (Ural riders, all six of them), and my friend, Greg, who added a sidecar to his Goldwing because he likes to show off at rallies by doing sidecar wheelies (picture sitting in a sidecar and looking down at the top of the rider's helmet), most riders are not interested in investing in a side car.

Its not difficult to understand why.  If you need extra space for beer or food or, well, more beer, you can use a trailer, which is cheaper, requires less riding skill, and doesn't mean major surgery on your motorcycle.

Sidecars demand an entirely new set of riding skills.  They destroy a bike's cornering capabilities.  And forget what happens to your moto's vaunted fuel mileage and with that, the one excuse your spouse accepts as reason to own a two-wheeled vehicle.

But as it happens, there may be a few instances when you might wish your favorite moto sported the ungainly appendage from its side.  Really.  Its true.

You would want a sidecar when:

A boat just wouldn't do the job:

You couldn't decide whether to take the Ferrari or the Ducati to the Hamptons for the weekend:

The store was already closed when you realized you forgot to buy milk:

You need an extra target for the enemy, preferably not you:

You (rightfully) refuse to ride an automatic, yet can't figure out how to work the front brakes and clutch while shooting at the bad guys:

You would rather make your buddy, who is too cheap to buy his own bike, ride fender fodder than your best friend:

Its easier than forcing him to walk 10-feet behind you:


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