In the Club! The MAD Ducatisti; Addendum


I have become accustomed to sending posts off to the cyber abyss, where I'm never quite certain if they are read by anyone except friends and  family.  And I know my family, although they love me, rarely reads my moto-musings.   

You hit "Publish" and you never really know who all is out there checking in on what all you're doing.  EMD may be the greatest moto-blog ever (bias included), but the cyber abyss is vast.  The cyber abyss, in my experience, is also a lousy pen pal and correspondent.

And this is going to be my excuse for not always (or rarely) remembering to check for comments. 

Note:  Huge apologies! I'm going to be much better about checking and replying from now on.  Promise!

I finally checked the comments today after a too-long hiatus and was very surprised, and excited, to see that not only were there comments, but they weren't from my parents.  And they weren't signed: The Abyss.  Awesome!

Among the comments was one from Walt, President of MAD, and Vicki, President of the DOCSF, checking in and assuring me that everything would get sorted.  Great people, always!  And they are always much appreciated.  Even if I don't always remember to tell them.

Sadly, I had to stay late at the day job the evening of the first get-together since I've officially become MAD.  But I will make the next one and I'm confident that there will be many good future stories and events to bring back to EMD.

I may tease the Ducatisti, even while I stand as a proud card-carrying member of the group, but in all seriousness, I have met truly wonderful, helpful, and knowledgeable people because of Ducati, whether it was through the clubs, the shops, or simply running into someone with the same D46 Rossi t-shirt at the gas station. 

As I've stated before, and I'm sure I'll say many times again: I will always have at least one motorcycle in the garage, and one of those motorcycles will always be a Ducati.

And I'll likely be a member of the local Ducati club.


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