Introducing the Pure-Triumph Facebook July Bike of the Month Winner!!!

I may earn a living writing, but I can't improve on perfection.  Particularly when it comes from the owner of the spectacular July Pure-Triumph Facebook Bike of the Month, a beautiful Rocket III Touring:

"Nothing compares to it when I am on the road.  It is total bliss.  Not only a Monster of Power, but a picture of Beauty.  It is amazing how many heads turn when I pass by them.

And everyone who stops to admire my Rocket III, they all have memories of their Triumphs.  And then, like magic, a smile forms on their face."

Well said, Antonio.  May there always be many happy journeys, long winding roads, and sunny skies for you and your Rocket III Touring.  Congratulations!

If you ride a Triumph, you too could see your bike featured on the hallowed e-pages of EMD.  All you need to do is visit Pure-Triumph Facebook, post a photo of your Triumph on the Wall, and give a few reasons why your Triumph motorcycle is bad enough to be a Pure-Triumph Bike of the Month.

And did I mention the winner receives a $100 gift certificate to, the world's #1 on-line authorized supplier of Triumph clothing, accessories, and parts?

Click HERE for details.  Cheers!

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